
The Cornerstone Project is the master plan. The projects below are the building blocks.

Mental Health and Well-being

For youth 15 - 30


Mental health.

Mental illness.

What makes you “well”?

If you’re not sick, you’re healthy, right? Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger? Mental health is just like physical health, correct?

We all carry assumptions about what mental health and well-being are, and what they aren’t. This Cornerstone Foundations course takes participants through an exploration of their own thoughts, assumptions, biases, and wonderings about mental health.

As a group, participants evolve their own theories of change and create action plans for improving mental health for themselves and in their communities. With the help of expert facilitators and input from diverse experts, participants will receive a world class foundation in exploring the field of mental health and wellness.

Want to get involved?

Get in touch.